Ottawa II

Thursday. Really good day today. Start out early after breakfast and Oscar’s piano accompaniment. First to parliament to try to get in-demand tour tickets. Get some for 2:20 session.
Then just in time for changing of the guards ceremony in front of parliament. Spectacular display of very British process. Pipe band, brass band, lots of guards, precision marching etc. took about half hour.
Next go down to locks to watch boats climbing up into Rideau Canal. Apparently takes each boat about 1.5 hours to climb up through 6 locks.
Catch water taxi across river, coincidentally crossing into Quebec province with the border in middle of river. Go to fascinating Mosaiculture exhibition in Jacques-Cartier Park. From a distance this looks like topiary animals, but is actually shapes built with framework then covered in flowers. Fascinating process. Massive wire frames in general shapes. Then small “buckets” of compacted soil are attached. Whole thing covered in fabric membrane. Then small holes made through membrane and individual flowers planted through each hole. Park has many sculptures, each covering a region of Canada. Requires millions of flowers, grasses etc. Fantastic.
Next back to parliament for tour. Very interesting to see their version of Westminster system. Very much like ours with primary difference is Senate in which new senators are appointed by the GG on PMs advice. Once in they are in until 75 years age. Interesting to see inside of building that we have been looking at from outside. Central building in which House of Commons and Senate chambers exist, is about to close down for 10 years of renovations!
Short walk along canal then home to crash.


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