Ottawa -> Montreal

Last day in Ottawa. Slow start. Breakfast then pack up. Store bags and go out for walk. Buy mandatory been-there t shirt. Bit more shopping then pick up bags and head to station. Go 100yards and Judy realises doesn’t have her backpack. Reverse up, get bag and off again.
2 hour train trip to Montreal. A few hassles getting subway to Place d’Armes, but finally arrive at apartment. Quite good on 13th floor of apartment building on edge of old Montreal area. Settle in and Judy excited to do her first load of washing. Out to dinner and where do you eat in the French Canadian province? Chinatown! Boiled and fried dumplings. Best ever!
1st day in Montreal. Head out to explore old Montreal. First to Place d’Armes the sight of Maisonneuve’s victory over the Iroquois Indians. Then Notre-Dame cathedral. Huge queue so decide to come back later. Head off to the old port area. Lots of historic buildings, great old architecture, restaurants and pubs and tourists. This is where Canada day celebrations will happen tomorrow. Visit another smaller church, Notre-dame-de-bon-Secours Chapel. Interesting “sailors’ church” with lots of  models of ships donated by sailors thankful for the divine oversite of their voyages. After 4 hours of walking decide to head back for rest. On way back notice Notre-Dame cathedral queue not too long so join up. Was about to make smart arse comments about its claim to fame being site of CĂ©line Dion’s wedding, but once inside blown away by its beauty. Having seen many cathedrals around the world, have to say this is the one that gave me the biggest initial wow! Photos don’t do it justice but it is fantastic. Spend quite some time there taking it all in.
Get some supplies on way home for Nanna and Poppy nap before out again.


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